
Monday, November 15, 2021

Film Study

 Shooting the Apple - Hope + Rebellion

Techniques: - Diagetic Sounds

Music lighting Colour - - Katniss - Dark, Dim, Artificial - match peers

Angles/shots/Movement - - Senica - Vibrant,bright, - variety - pink - more privileged/individual

Costumes - Katniss - training suit, tributes all the same - Capitol individuals - all different, over the top, extravagant.

Close ups - See the reaction, Katniss - pensive, Shocked.

- High angle -once Katniss shoots the apple, makes her look weak and Vulnerable.

Atmosphere - Tension, Katniss comes out as the stand out, Someone to watch out for.

Changes of Rules - Struggle for power

Techniques: Music - mine, Slow, dramatic - building tension, emtional intensity as Music get Louder

- Lighting/Colour - Bright, natural, warm, green, Black, Greys, Shadowed - Rising of the sun - New Day - New victor.

Costumes - Not Important 

Angles/Shots/movements - High Angle - Senica has Power according to camera but the Dialogue Stop!! Contradicts that. 

Close ups - emphasise emotions - Defiance, Stubborn of Katniss - Stuggle for Power

- Katniss won't let them have one Victor

- Peeta Won't let them change him.

Atmosphere - Happy Because Katniss + Petaa took Back control, if they died, then they Died by their own terms, Didn't lose their Human

Monday, November 8, 2021

Film Study

 Scene  - 'They Don't Own Me'

Brainstorm - Angles/Movements/Shots - Over the Shoulder shows speaker, Puts us in listener P.O.V makes us part of the conversation

Close ups -Shows the emotions of the two - nervous, anxious, Mostly Peeta.

- Music - Diagetic Sound

- lighting/colour - Mood - Sad, Gloomy - Greys, Darks, Black, Dim Lighting- works with C/U to highlights emotions on faces.

- Settings 

- Costumes + Make up 

- Character/Dialogue - "I don't want them  to change me"- "I Don't wanna be another piece in their Game" -"If I'm gonna Die, I wanna Still be me"            Atmosphere - Foreboding, Hesitant Nervous, Reluctant 

                                                                           Lighting + Colour p.2

                                                                           Dialogue p.1

                                                                           Close - ups p.3

Theme - Rich vs Poor, Hope + Rebellion, Struggle for power.

What Happened - Peeta + Katniss are having a Conversation about how the games might affect to them.

In The scene ' They Don't own Me ', Dialague is used to create a foreboading atmosphere. Katniss and Peeta are having a conversation about how the Upcoming games might affects them. This demonstrated  by the Quotes " I don't want them to change me," and " If I'm gonna die, I still wanna be me " spoken by peeta. These show that peeta has a sense that he is going to have to do things that he doesn't  want to have to do Like kill others.

This Makes the Audience feel sorry for Peeta because  he is likely going to die, or to kill others to stay alive. The Director Did This to make us believe Peeta will die Early and that being a Tribute isn't something to Celebrate but a loss of personal autonomy.

This work well with the dark Colours of Blacks and Grey which add to the foreboding atmosphere.This Aspect can be constrasted to when Peeta joins the Career Pack once in the Games Because they are cold hearted Killers Which is what Peeta didn't want to be.

Monday, November 1, 2021

Film Study


Tempo- Speed of the Music - Fast/Slow/moderate

Dynamic - Volume - How Loud Or Quiet it is

Key - Major - Happy sound, Minor - Sad Sound.

RuesDeath: How is Music used to Create Atmosphere - Minor/Sad/Depressing/Mournful

MInor, Temp  - Slow, Dynamics - Quiet, gets Louder as Katniss raises her Salute & District 11 Riots.

- What Happened  - Rue is Killed, Katniss tries to give her body the closest to a Burial that she Can.

- Colour/Lighting - White Flowers, Natural lighting, Greens Stands out. - Innocent - Symbol - Innocent & Pure - Rue Never killed anyone, Kind, Compassionate, Victim.

- Shot/Angle - Medium Close-ups- Rue & Katniss - see their emotions & Facial Expression  - anguish - High angle - Weak  & Vulnerable - Rue is an Innocent & Blameless victim.

Affect on Viewer - Atmosphere of remorse/intense sadness, as the Volume increase it builds the Intensity of the emotions - We see emotions are Contagious - Hope.

Rues Death: Directors Purpose: Feel Katniss's Emotions at that moment - remorse, anger, Helplessness, acceptance, Rebellion

- Symbols of the 3 Sallute is a Sign of Defiance and Anger towards the Game Maker - You will not take my Humanity, also a Symbol of a unification with who have lost loved ones to the games.

Music is Used to Create an Atmosphere of sorrow and Remorse and Rues Death scene.

In this Scene we see Katniss dealing with the slaughter of her young friend Rue. 

For example, the Tempo is Slow and The Dynamic are Quiet and The Key is Minor to Reflect the emotional rollarcoaster  Katniss is Feeling like the Music, Katniss mores Slowly and Methodically to Cover Rue's Body  in white Flowers. As she finishes, the music builds in Volume, showing the increasing intensity of her anger and grief towards the Capitol. This makes us understand the pain experienced by the families of the tribute when they are killed each year. This was clone to enable the viewer to feel the character emotions.

Monday, October 18, 2021

English - Workshop#4

 Atmosphere - feeling/mood set in the scene

Mood - the way we feel/emotions response.

Location - area its is set

1.) District 12 - what is happening - Katniss is jogging through the district.

Types of colour/Lighting - Cold colours - More grey undertones, Dull colours - nothing stands out -blue/grey shades. natural colours- palette - groans,browns,grey,black

- Lighting - cold, dull, natural,

Viewer affect - Not Welcoming, Unpleasant, run-down, dirty, poor

Directors Purpose - shows how, unpleasant if is to live in the districts, underprilled good comparison for capital.

Other techniques - setting - dirt roads, houses derelict, Transport old fashion wagons, no Electricity.

2.) The Capitol

what is Happening - The citizen of the Capitol are awarting the arrival of the tributes.

Types of Colour/Lighting  - colours - cold - white undertones - bright/Artifical,bright - Pallete - setting - whites?metalics costumes - bright, vibran, Colourful.

Affects - These people are privalledge, they are celebrating, they are more advanced.

Director purposed - Makes us Sympathise with the tributes - they have lots and the district have none don't like them.

Other Techniques - Costumes - rich, extravagant, Flounting, over the top. 

Settings - Rich, Modern, technologically advanced,clean,new.

3.) Control Room

What Is Happening - People are Manupilating the arena via computer.

Types of Colour/Lighting - Colour pallete - blue/White, Dark Grey, Colour-Cold, (Blue/white) Bright - especially white shirts, Artifical lighting/colour. Cyan/hylographic

affect - Makes us feel they are smart but unsafe,

Directors Purpose - Make us feel like they are mindlessdrones, detached  from reality.

Other techniques - Costumes - white labs  coats - feels like an experiment

Setting - No cluetter, lots of tech, only focused on the one jobs.

Monday, September 27, 2021

Film Study

 Reaping Scene - District 12

The Children of the District have gathered together for the reaping to select the tribute.

- Boys - Shirts - Buttoned - collars - shorts - pants - Whites - colourless - Faded - dull - Overwashed

Girls - Dresses - shirts+Skirts 

- Best clothes - probably only worn once a year - worn out - Colourless - Faded

-Viewer - we feel sorry for the people - they seem - powerless - they live in poor condition.

Directors Purposed - Show us how bad their conditions are, want us - To see them as weak, unprepared, Hopeless

Other Techniques - High Angle with the faded colours makes Them see weak, vulnerable, helpless.

The Capitol - Arriving in the city.

Katniss + Peeta have arrived by train - in the Capitol

The Clothes extravagant - Over the top

Colourful - Vibrant 

Accessorios - hats/earing/Make up/wigs/shoes/bags/dogs/New - Like worn only Fashionable Clothes.

Director Purposed - shows them unbalanced of power & rich vs poor.

The Countdown 

- The Tribute have just arrived at the arena in the area are waiting to Start the games.

- Costumes - survival gear, brown, black, Dark Colours, Jacket, pants - T-shirt. - Design to look good, to be practical, lightweight.

- Viewer affects - The Tribute look prepared, fit, athletic.

Directors purpose - They are going to die. The Outfits are just for the Audience ( Capitol makes ) makes it seem more pagent like.

Other Techniques - Silence - worried - Excited to see what happened - anxious - builds - tension - makes - the audience focus.

Monday, September 13, 2021

Film Study

 Hope + Rebellions

- Convo Presidents Snow + Senica Craine

- A little Hope Quote 

- Convo between Hamich + Senica 

- Give them something to root for, Young Love

Struggle for Power -

-Katniss + Peta eat the berries.

- Death of Rue = riot in District 11.

Prower of Propaganda

- Subtle

- Hungerfilms Film Strip.

Volunteer as Tribute

  • Prem Rose Everdeen Got Chosen as A Tribute
  • Katniss volunteer as a Tribute for her sister.

Film Study


-People who die in the games 

-Takes away from the Reality of the Situation 


- Two Brave young people

- It's an Honour 


- people who have been Killed, Murdered/ Violent.

Sacrifice, punishment to the District.

Rich vs Poor

- people in the Capitol vs people in the Districts .
- Compare opening shoot in District 12 vs Peta looking the window of the Capitol.
- District 12 - poor - house rundown, wooden 
-food - very - little, sea old man picking at bones

- Clothing - House, large, concrete, metals, accents, gold/silver
-food - variety of choice, don't have the same things, more than enough excess.
- Clothing - Fancy - suits, extracvaragant, fashion, extreme excess.

Film Study

Theme & Ideas

Rich vs Poor - Some people have more - Capitol 
-money - privilege/Respect - Good Foods - variety 
-resources - Technology - Medicine - Transport - Clothing.

Hope + Rebellion - Hope is the belief that something will get better.
Rebellion - To fight against something, protest, surprise, usually 

Symbols of Hope - Katness, Melodic, Mocking, Jay, 3 finger salutte.

Struggle for Power - Currently the Capitol has power - President Snow.

- Katniss becomes a rival for powerr - people look up to her for guidance, becomes a threat because Snow sees her as one.

'Hope, it is the thing stronger than fear. A little hope is effective, a lot of hope is dangerous'. 

Fear - The people are afraid of rebelling because the last time they tried they failed and they were punished with the Hunger Games.

Little Hope - Becoming a victor

Dangerous Hope -  That the districts deserve to be treated better.

Power of Propaganda - Information, especially of a based or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or POV.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Nazi Anti-Semitism

"The Jews were responsible for bringing Negroes into the Rhineland with the Ultimate idea of Bastardising,Lowering the quality of The White race Which they hate and Thus lowering its cultural and Political level so that the Jews might Dominate."

"The Jewish youth lies in wait for hours on end, Spying on the Unsuspicious German Girl he plans to Seduced He wants to Contistimate her blood and removed her from Bosom of her own people. The Jew Hates the White race and want to Lower its cultural level so that Jews might dominate.

Monday, August 2, 2021

DNA Extraction

 Aim: To Extract DNA from kiwi Fruit

Equipment: Water, Beakers, Sand, Spatula, Ethanol, Kiwi Fruit, Sandwhich bag, Bunsen Burner, Heat Mat, Gauze Mat, Triped, Testube, Dishwasher Liquid, Glass, Cloth.

Method: 1.) Squish Kiwi Fruit, Sand and Water and Pour through cloth to Collect juice in Beaker.

      2.) Use a beaker to Warm Water, pour juice who test tube with 2 drops Dishwasher, rest in warm                 water.

      3.) Add Ethanol, watch the DNA Separate and collect With Spatula.


 Outreach activity - Extracting DNA from kiwi fruit - the NodeBioHacking_Extractig DNA from a KIWI Fruit - YouTube

English Film Language

 Body Language: Used to Identify the emotions by the Character.

Costumes:The Costumes Sometimes Describes the Characters personality and Emotions.

Make Up- To Tell The Audience the Characters personality.

Colour- Used to set the mood or What's happening in The Scene.

Lighting- To make The Character Stands out or Set the Mood

Settings- Used Often progress the Storyline.

Sound affects- To show the Audience What happening on The Scene and Sent the mood to the Character and The Audience.

Symbols-Often an Object to show what's going to happen or To make The Story More Realistic and in Detailed.

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Land yacht

Hello Everyone! Last couple of weeks we have been working on Land yacht, If you don't know what that is, Its basically a yacht that goes on land and has wheels, Our Group and the Others group did a test to see who's Land yacht was the fastest and measure it 

Our Distances was 4.1m

and Our Time was 7.3s

Aim: Our Aim was to build a Land yacht and see who's yacht was the fastest, We measure the distance and the time.

Monday, June 21, 2021

English - Hunters Swoop

Wind blows a slight breeze as the trees dance along the wind, The clouds move from time to time as I watch the trees dancing, I took a deep breathe and close my eyes I hear Water Dripping through the leafs, I opened my eyes and Looked down at the lake to see my own Reflections. 

Friday, June 4, 2021

Figurative Language

 figurative Language - A phrase common to people who speaks the same language - saying one thing but meaning another.

Literal Language - Meaning what you exactly say.

Simile - Comparing two unlike things using words like or as.

Metaphor - Saying one thing and Meaning something Else.

Personifications  -  Giving Human Qualities to non-human things

Idioms - Writing with detail to arouse one or more 5 senses.

Hyperbole - Exaggerations of the facts 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Starfish Poem

Once upon a time there was a wise man 
who used to go to the ocean 
to do his writing. 
He had a habit of walking 
on the beach 
before he began his work. 
One day he was walking along 
the shore. 
As he looked down the beach, 
he saw a human 
figure moving like a dancer. 
He smiled to himself to think 
of someone who would 
dance to the day. 
So he began to walk faster 
to catch up. 
As he got closer, he saw 
that it was a young man 
and the young man wasn't dancing, 
but instead he was reaching 
down to the shore, 
picking up something 
and very gently throwing it 
into the ocean. 
As he got closer he called out, 
"Good morning! What are you doing?" 
The young man paused, 
looked up and replied, 
"Throwing starfish in the ocean." 
"I guess I should have asked, 
why are you throwing starfish in the ocean?" 
"The sun is up and the tide is going out. 
And if I don't throw them in they'll die." 
"But, young man, don't you realize that 
there are miles and miles of beach 
and starfish all along it. 
You can't possibly make a difference!" 
The young man listened politely. 
Then bent down, picked up another starfish 
and threw it into the sea, 
past the breaking waves and said- 
"It made a difference for that one."

Message: Your Input does matter - even if its so small, Insignificant in the World and One Person can Change everything in One single good Thing and It Influence People to do the Good thing.

Starfish Impact on Humans

Social Study

 The amount Of Debris in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch accumalates Because much of it, Is not Biodegradable Many Plastics for Instant, Plastics sticks around the Environment for ages, Threatening Wildlife and Spreading toxics, Plastics Also Contribute to Global Warming.

The Problem is It’s Affecting Sea Animals By Eating the Plastics, Like Bottles, Bags, straws and Other Type of Plastic waste washed ashore.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Copper To Gold


Safety Glasses 

Copper Metal





2moil-1 Sodium Hydroxide

zinc powder

Aim: Copper - Gold 

Use a small Piece of Copper metal, Cleaned with Sand Paper. Pour about 80 ml of 2moil -1 Sodium Hydroxide into a Beaker and Warm on a Hot plate to 60c. Add the copper metal, then place a spatula full of zinc powder into sodium Hydroxide solutions, Leave for 5-10mins until metals turns a silvery colour. Remove metal from beaker with tongs and heat in a Bunsen Flame using tongs for 30second, Colour Appear.

Zinc powder from Zinc Oxide in the presence of Sodium Hydroxide and Coat the copper giving a silver apperance, Heating the Zinc Oxide Coated copper forms brass, metal Alloy giving a Gold appearaces.

Bias & Agenda

 Bias - When you unfairly favour one side of an Arguement.

Source - Where you got the Information.

Credible - Factual, truthful, Reliable.

Authority - The Authority has good/in depth Knowledge of the Subject.

Reliable - Can Be Depended On Or Trusted on.

Perspective - Point Of View, The way you see it.

Agenda - What you are trying to do, e.g Convince me of a Fact.

Manipulate - Mould something into you want it to Be.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Crash Course

Is This Text Fair?

Yes, because People Shouldn't Drive while They're Drunk.

How are Children, Teenagers or young adults Constructed in this text?

Teenagers Or Young Adults Shouldn't Drive While they're Drunk Because Weird Accidents Happened when they are Drunk while Driving.

How does the text present age, Gender or Cultural groups?

In the Video all I Noticed that Most People In the Video Were Most Likely To drink while they are Drunk.

Why Is the text written This way?

To Show People What happeneds If People Drive while they're Drunk.

Friday, May 7, 2021

Thursday, May 6, 2021

The Great Pacific Rubbish

We are Learning About The Importance of Oceans to the world in Social Studies we Have started by Looking at the Plastics Issues, The Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This is My Slide Show On it .

Critical Literacy

What makes this Video Convincing? 

They got Good Actresses, That can Make People Think It's Realistic.

Who Published this Video?

The Fake News Facts.

How are teenager portrayed In this clip?

Teenagers were seen as Lazy People.

Teenagers were addicted to Gadgets and Never Socials to there Parents.

Why Has The Director cast them this ways?

To shows Teenagers Behavior and How it affects someones Life.

Either to Make fun Of Stereotypes.

Who is Real in this video?

Everyone in the video is real But The Portrayed are Fake.

What Social Realities does This video?

They Were Protesting people In some of the Clips.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Alkaline Metals

 1.) What is an Alkaline Metal? Any of the Elements lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, Caesium and Francium and Occupying Group 1 of the Periodic table.

Where are they on the P.Table? 

Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, Caesium and Francium.

2.) What Reactions did we do Yesterday?


Sodium + Water = Sodium Oxide + Hydrogen.

3.) Why do these Metals React this way?

They Got 1 Electrons

.Information on Alkali Metals – Stanford Environmental Health & Safety

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Woodstock Vietnam War

At the time there was a war going on in Vietnam that America was Heavily involved, Many people around the world were Against this, There were song written about the Vietnam War and How bad it was, This songs were sung at Woodstock.

The song Means war does not solve all problem  but if you give peace a chance it maybe a better solutions to solve all problems in war.

Give Peace A chance.


Ev'rybody's talking about
Bagism, Shagism, Dragism, Madism, Ragism, Tagism
This-ism, that-ism, is-m, is-m, is-m
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance
Ev'rybody's talking about Ministers
Sinisters, Banisters and canisters
Bishops and Fishops and Rabbis and Pop eyes
And bye bye, bye byes
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance
Let me tell you now
Ev'rybody's talking about
Revolution, evolution, masturbation
Flagellation, regulation, integrations
Meditations, United Nations
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance
Ev'rybody's talking about
John and Yoko, Timmy Leary, Rosemary
Tommy Smothers, Bobby Dylan, Tommy Cooper
Derek Taylor, Norman Mailer
Alan Ginsberg, Hare Krishna
Hare, Hare Krishna
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance
All we are saying is give peace a chance.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Music - Genre Project


- Groups?: Alone

-Instruments/other: Keyboard

-Genre?: Kpop

-Song: Winter Bear - V, BTS

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Slave Trade - Social Study

Hello Everyone, This Couple of weeks we have been Learning about Slave Trade and explain what Happened to the Slaves when They were Slaves.

The First Passage was In West Africa Were The Slaves were Originally Lived, The slave were bought in a boat and  went to United States they stopped around Dominican Republic or Puerto Rico, Then The Slaves Return To West Africa again. The Slaves used music to communicate to each other and Plan there escape in underground Rail road.

Here is A Map that the Slave Have been through.